Monday, May 8, 2017

MCAS and Mindfulness

     It has been a somewhat stressful couple of weeks, but we are in the home stretch. The students have been fantastic as they have tackled the ELA and math MCAS. Their focus as they worked through the problems was palpable. And I was glad to hear that some of them chose to use mindfulness if they felt that they needed a mental break while taking the assessments. Several students also requested that we take a minute or two before diving into the assessments to be mindful, to calm our bodies and our minds, and to just be present in what we had to do. I was so proud of them through the whole process.

     When we started this journey of mindfulness at the beginning of the year, some students were doubtful that it would work for them. Some of my most incredulous students now regularly get comfortable, close their eyes, and just breathe for a few minutes. They've learned that it's easy to take advantage of this time to refresh themselves and to reorient themselves to the task at hand.

     One of my greatest wishes is that they take their skill of being mindful with them beyond this class. It's not difficult; it's free; and it helps everywhere in life. Our Life Is Good superpower for the month is "simplicity". Being mindful really is a simple way to refocus and to recognize all that is good in life, all our lives long.